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This is my very first website and I'm extremely excited!!!!!!!

My first website

Created by Jessieee

  • My floppy fish game
  • My interactive card
  • My Plane Shooter Game
  • My Journal

    First Jornal Entry

    What is the def of a computer?

    An electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program

    Second Jornal Entry

    List at least three ways in which you currently use the internet?

    Third Jornal Entry

    List as many computer-based communications mechanisms as you can.
    1. Facebook
    2. Hotmail
    3. Email
    4. Cell phone
    5. Twitter
    6. GPS
    7. Blog
    8. Youtube
    9. Instagram
    10. Wechat
    11. QQ

    Fourth Jornal Entry

    What do you think about when you hear the word data?

    More about computers